The Directors of Futura Medical plc recognise the importance of sound corporate governance and have chosen to apply the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code (the "QCA Code").

Futura Medical has adopted the QCA Corporate Governance Code (the “QCA Code”) as it considers that this is the most suitable framework for smaller listed companies. The Board is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and to maintaining a sound framework for control and management of Futura Medical plc. The Board is responsible for leading and controlling the activities of the Group, with overall authority for the management and conduct of the business, together with its strategy and development. The Board believes that good corporate governance improves long-term success and the support from our shareholders is vital to our success. We remain responsive to our shareholders’ and stakeholders’ views to deliver on our objectives.

The principal methods of communicating our application of the QCA Code are the Annual Report and the Investor section of our website at The QCA Code sets out ten principles and in the Corporate Governance Report on pages 45 to 48 and below we have set out the Group’s application of the QCA Code, including, where appropriate, cross references to other sections of the Annual Report and to our website.

Last updated May 2024.

Click on the plus icons to view the application of each principle.